Connecting your students to the online sphere using hyperlinks

Australia/Melbourne 3.00pm | Tue 10 July 2018
USA/Los Angeles 10.00pm | Mon 9 July 2018
UK/London 6.00am | Tue 10 July 2018
(Convert the time zone here)

Alyce Hogg — Academic Coordinator (Media and Communication) —La Trobe Melbourne

The hyperlink has been hailed for its ability to ‘connect people and knowledge’ and indeed, this modest yet powerful piece of technology is at the core of how we use and interact within the online sphere.

This presentation will introduce you to the history of the hyperlink and its present day application. It will help you develop strategies to utilise the hyperlink across multiple disciplines.

Alyce will explore different approaches to the hyperlink, the so called ‘great democratiser’ of the online sphere, and answer questions such as: “When, why and how should we ‘link out’?”; “How can we use hyperlinks to facilitate and encourage deeper learning?”; “How do we avoid the pitfalls of the hyperlink, such as cognitive distraction?” and “What is ‘ethical linking’?”