Online teaching articles and resources
To support Navitas teaching staff as they commence to teach remotely or online, we have curated a number of articles on online teaching developed by our global learning and teaching community.
To support Navitas teaching staff as they commence to teach remotely or online, we have curated a number of articles on online teaching developed by our global learning and teaching community.
Ges Ng and Rebecca Rosemoore present early findings from a pilot project which aimed to provide students with active learning opportunities using H5P.
The 2018 H5P Conference was the first time where the community was invited to play an active role in the inspiration, sharing and building of knowledge of the tool.
Conference takeaways from the 41st annual HERDSA conference, where participants reflected on the value and purpose of higher education in changing times.
Lindsay Rattray shows you how to match methodology to technology to create active learning opportunities for your students.
In this recording, Ges Ng will demonstrate how to implement active learning opportunities using H5P.
In this recording, Catherine Sicurella presents on the power of PowerPoint in creating online videos, and Apsara Sabaratnam will showcase how to bring online content to life tools such as H5P.
Ges Ng and Dr Suneeti Rekhari demonstrate some of the technical aspects of embedding and creating H5P content in your unit space.
Registration for this event has closed
In this recording, Daniel Moon covers a series of examples of how H5P have been used to break up online content into engaging ‘chunks’.
How can we provide students with the opportunity to engage actively and flexibly in their own time? H5P offers some great, interactive ideas.