Green Apple: A Navitas e-magazine for teachers
Filled with content written by our teachers for our teachers, Green Apple is a Navitas quarterly e-magazine covering a wide range of higher education topics.
Launched in April 2020, Green Apple recognises and celebrates the knowledge, professionalism and compassion of our Navitas staff, with articles written by Navitas educators from all around the world. You can reach the latest issue HERE and you can also subscribe to receive notification of new issues.
Why “Green Apple”? The humble apple has long been used to symbolise a gift for teachers. Historically, it is through to trace back to 18th century Europe, when only the richest families could afford to educate their children. Poorer farming families also saw the value in education, and often paid their teachers with produce to allow their children to go to school. The green also symbolises Navitas!
The latest issue (October 2021) covered a range of topics by our educator community and featured Navitas English’s Basim Shamaon. Basim was featured on the cover after receiving a prestigious NSW Humanitarian Award for his work with refugees, and in this issue he reflects on his own journey as a young Iraqi refugee and how it has shaped the work he does now. You can read more about his story here. Other articles include the successful publication of a solar panel research paper by Dr Saad Odeh (SIBT), the highlights of virtual learning and teaching conferences, and the incredible efforts of a youth teacher helping many students find their way.
Green Apple is a collaborative project and we encourage you to contribute your stories to future issues. If you would like further information contact Anthea Somas ( Navitas staff can access previous issues here and these will soon be available through the L&T website!
Feature photo:
Photo by Ali Zolghadr on Unsplash