Modules 4 modules
Teaching in the Navitas Context
Understand learning and teaching at Navitas and think about your own teaching style and analyse how it aligns with the Navitas values and contexts. Explore the similarities and differences across the Navitas learning and teaching community.
Teaching in Flexible Learning
Teaching in Flexible Learning is suitable for teachers who are both new to teaching online or are experienced teaching staff who want to improve the effectiveness of their existing practice.
Showcasing Innovative Teaching Practices
Look at teaching and learning through your students’ eyes and innovate with empathy. Focusing on what innovation means in an educational context and exploring innovative teaching practices at Navitas.
Learning and Teaching Online
Develop experience and a working understanding of successful online teaching pedagogies that can be applied to your own teaching contexts. Designed for those who are new to teaching online or for experienced teaching staff wanting to improve the effectiveness of their existing practice.