Panel session: Approaches to Peer Observation

Australia/Sydney 4:30pm | Wed 27th April
Europe/London 7:30am | Wed 27th April
America/New York 2:30am | Wed 27th April

Jon Hvaal – Manager, Learning & Teaching Innovation

Perry Horner – Academic Coordinator, SAE
Clare McGrath – Acting Director of ATTC (Operations) / Teacher Trainer
Meredith Lade – Acting Director of ATTC (Academic) / Teacher Trainer

What is peer observation?
Peer observation is usually between two teachers, where they agree to observe each other and provide constructive feedback on their approaches. It is a ‘curriculum conversation’ that can help encourage the sharing of teaching ideas and reflection on ways to improve our teaching practice. This session offers an opportunity to learn from some different learning and teaching contexts at Navitas, and hear more about the implementation and delivery of this important aspect of teacher professional development.

Jon Hvaal will facilitate a Q&A discussion around peer observation, drawing on the Australian TESOL Training Centre’s experience in developmental peer observation and SAE’s recent work around improvements in the quality of their teaching and learning.  Please watch the short taster videos below and come armed with questions!

You might like to consider the following:

  • What does peer observation mean in your Navitas context?
  • Why is it used?
  • What are the benefits?
  • What are the barriers or issues around its implementation?

Feel free to fire some questions this way before attending the online session. You can email or better still, join in the conversation in the ‘Peer Observation in Navitas‘ Yammer group. Please include #peerobservation in your posts to help others find and follow the conversation.

Pre-task: Before attending the webinar, please watch these short taster videos.

Video 1 – Clare McGrath & Meredith Lade talks Peer Observation in ATTC

Video 2 – Perry Horner talks Observation in SAE with a view to encouraging Peer Observation in future