Donut worry! Boosting student attendance for mental health initiatives

Canada/Winnipeg 8pm | Tue 23rd May
USA/Los Angeles 6.00pm | Tue 23rd May
Australia/Sydney 11.00am | Wed 24th May
Europe/London 2.00am | Wed 24th May
Presenter: Melissa Mushikori – Student Services Manager, International College of Manitoba, Canada
Many people experience mental health issues but few seek help from a health professional. How can education providers help end the stigma and encourage students to seek help for their mental health?
This year’s Let’s Talk Day at the International College of Manitoba was a step in the right direction. It attracted 10 times more students in attendance than previously, plus students following along on Instagram.
Reflecting on this success, Student Services Manager Melissa Mushikori will share strategies that can boost attendance and the impact of mental health initiatives, with methods that don’t require onerous research and preparation. Of course, success in mental health promotion doesn’t result from a single strategy. Melissa will also share how this initiative connected to other mental health programs and services, from in-class presentations to the 24/7 service MYISSP.
After the 15-minute presentation, there will be opportunities for discussion and questions! What is your college doing to promote mental health? Are there strategies or support programs you want to discuss? Attendees are warmly encouraged to share and ask questions. (If you would like to go a little further and share slides or materials around your practices, please contact us and we’ll ensure there’s time for you to share.)