How to add your own voice into student feedback

Australia/Sydney 9.30am | Thurs 9th March
Europe/London 10.30pm | Wed 8th March
USA/Los Angeles 2.30pm | Wed 8th March
Michelle Cavaleri – Manager, English Language Proficiency and Team Leader, Student Learning Support – Navitas Professional Institute (NPI)
Ann Wilson – Senior Academic Developer – Navitas Learning and Teaching Services (L&T)
Feedback is a great teaching opportunity, where we can provide our students with individualized commentary relevant to their work. To be really useful this feedback needs to be fair and consistent across a course, written in a language our students understand, and able to be actioned by students in future assessment. Ann Wilson will begin this presentation with an overview of some of the broader issues about feedback.
Several studies have found that students perceive video feedback as useful and preferable to written feedback. Using screen-capture video feedback also helps us, as educators, communicate more clearly and constructively. Michelle Cavaleri is currently finalising her PhD research on video feedback and you can find out more here – Re-writing the rules on student feedback
In the second part of this presentation, Michelle will take you through the process of recording short, individual feedback videos for students using the screen-capture program, Jing. Each phase will be explained step-by-step including preparing to record, recording your video, saving and sending your video, and viewing your video library.
Michelle will also discuss alternative ways to provide feedback using Jing, such as creating a general feedback video for a whole class.