Listening to learn: How audio is personalising feedback

Australia/Perth 10.00am | Tue 27 Aug 2019
USA/New York 10.00pm | Mon 26 Aug 2019
Canada/Winnipeg 9.00pm | Mon 26 Aug 2019
(Convert your timezone here)
Gemma Clarke – Academic Coordinator – Curtin College
Providing effective feedback for students can be a time-consuming and often frustrating experience for both student and teacher. In an attempt to identify a method for providing feedback that is both engaging for students and time-efficient for staff, a study comparing audio with written feedback was carried out at Curtin College.
Analysis of students’ results indicates that while different types of feedback did not result in any significant difference in grades, the evidence from the study’s survey indicates an overwhelmingly positive response by most staff and students to audio feedback.
In this event, Gemma Clarke will share the results of her study and highlight some of the advantages and disadvantages of using audio feedback with a particular focus on Audacity.