Best practice in international student mental health

Australia/Sydney 2.00pm | Wed 24 October 2018
USA/Los Angeles 8.00pm | Tue 23 October 2018
Canada/Winnipeg 10.00pm | Tue 23 October 2018
(Convert the time zone here)
Sophie O’Keefe – Professional Development Manager – English Australia
The stigma surrounding mental health means students may be unwilling to disclose difficulties they are experiencing and access help. International students are particularly vulnerable as they are away from their usual support networks. Their limited English can also restrict their communication of any issues.
Australian ELICOS providers are aware that mental health issues can seriously impact a student as they progress through their studies. In a survey by English Australia, over 50 per cent of ELICOS colleges believed the number of students with mental health issues has increased in the past two years which is placing an increased strain on the already limited resources of many ELICOS providers.
English Australia released ‘The Guide to Best Practice in International Student Mental Health‘. This guide provides tools and information that will help create an environment where students feel supported should they ever have any mental health concerns.
In this event, Sophie O’Keefe will explore the guide discussing the mental health issues that international and ELICOS students experience, and share best practice for addressing these concerns.