Bringing assessment to life: authenticity and motivation

Australia/Perth 2.00pm | Wed 24 July 2019
UK/London 7.00am | Wed 24 July 2019
Canada/Winnipeg 1.00am | Wed 24 July 2019
(Convert your timezone here)

Emeritus Professor Ron Oliver

Assessment can have a profound influence on student learning. Some students only seek to engage with that which is to be assessed. In other cases, assessment approaches can inhibit learning by assessing inappropriate things. Authentic assessments provide the means for teachers to influence learning in all the right ways and provide learning experiences that connect students with practical applications of the course materials. These type of assessments also involve active learning where students are motivated to make decisions and judgments and to learn by doing.

In this webinar, Ron Oliver will demonstrate and discuss how teachers can design and use authentic assessments in their classroom settings. He will demonstrate various forms of authentic assessment that can be applied to develop and assess differing levels of learning outcomes. Participants in this session will discover the benefits and opportunities of authentic assessment and will view and experience some basic models to apply and trial in their own teaching.

Ron Oliver retired as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) and Vice-President at Edith Cowan University in December 2016. His key accountabilities at that time related to leadership and development of learning and teaching practices and policy to ensure high standards and performance in course delivery and course outcomes across the University’s local and international programs.