How using podcasting can support student learning
Australia/Sydney 6.30pm | Mon 12th September
America/New York 4.30am | Mon 12th September
Europe/London 9.30am | Mon 12th September
Presenter: Michele Furlong – PD Facilitator
Navitas Learning and Teaching Services
This session is an overview of the use of Podcasting in Education. A podcast is an audio file (e.g. a recording of a teacher speaking) made available to students and/or staff for playing on a computer or portable media player. Podcasting can be a great alternative for delivering content or lessons, assist auditory learners and can be a novel way to provide additional material to students, to download and review at any time.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- the pedagogy of using podcasts
- how to get started producing your own podcast
- a step-by-step process of recording, publishing and uploading an audio podcast.
Importantly we will discuss uses for podcasts in the context of teaching and offer tips on best practice in their use.