PR for PD: Harnessing individual energy to empower institutions in professional development
Australia/Brisbane 10.00am | Fri 18 January 2019
USA/Los Angeles 4.00pm | Thu 17 January 2019
UK/London 12.00am | Fri 18 January 2019
(Convert the time zone here)
Clare Magee – Principal and Director of JCU College – James Cook University
Fiona Wiebusch – Senior Teacher, Teacher Training & Professional Development – University of Queensland (ICTE)
English Language Centres are full of passionate individuals who provoke discussion and seek to challenge the way people think or the way things are done.
When it comes to teacher development, ELT leaders often design programs and processes to transform individual energy into institutional outcomes when provision of platforms may elevate the organisation best.
In this event, Clare Magee and Fiona Wiebusch will begin by sharing practical tools that have proven successful in promoting teacher-led professional development initiatives in their large-scale English Language Centres in Australia and Southeast Asia. They will also share insights gathered through evidence and experience of creating the right space for organisational change towards growth in professional development (Kotter, 1995; Hamel & Zanini, 2014).
A short format of this talk was presented at the LAMSIG & TDSIG pre-conference event at IATEFL in April, 2018 and English Australia Conference, October 2018.
- Kotter, J. P. (1995). Leading Change Why Transformation Efforts Fail. Harvard Business Review, 73, 59-67.
- Hamel, G. & Zanini, M. (2014). Build a change platform, not a change program. London Business School & Management Innovation eXchange (MIX).
Clare Magee MEd TESOL, Exec MBA
Clare has committed her career to ensuring quality in international pathways. She was recently appointed Director and Principal James Cook University College, Townsville. Previously Clare held the position of the Associate Dean of English at UTS Insearch where she oversaw the strategic development of ELICOS program, courses and curriculum, both locally and globally. Prior to that she was the Head of the School of English and Languages at RMIT Vietnam where she worked for almost a decade managing ESP, ELICOS, pathway and bachelor courses. Connect with Clare via LinkedIn or email
Fiona Wiebusch MA App Ling TESOL, PhD Can.
Fiona is a keen advocate for teacher-led professional learning in the ELICOS sector. She is currently the Senior Teacher for Teacher Training and Professional Development at the University of Queensland’s Institute of TESOL & Continuing Education (UQ-ICTE) and PhD candidate at Macquarie University in Sydney. Previously Fiona held the position of Academic Manager for Professional Learning at the School of Languages and English at RMIT Vietnam. Prior to that she was the Director of Studies at Worldwide School of English in Auckland, New Zealand. Connect with Fiona @TESOLTeacherTalk on Facebook, LinkedIn, or email