Innovating the teacher observation process with Zoom

Australia/Perth 5.00pm | Wed 12 December 2018
UK/London 9.00am | Wed 12 December 2018
USA/Los Angeles 1.00am | Wed 12 December 2018
(Convert the time zone here)

Bronwyn Mortimer – Language, Learning and Teaching Coordinator – Curtin College
Gemma Clarke – Senior Academic Developer – L&T Services
Steve Paull – User Support Manager, WA – Navitas IT

Teacher observation and peer review are valuable professional development strategies used to ensure quality teaching. To ensure that there is pedagogical merit to the process and genuine opportunity for professional reflection, the process requires another expert teacher to be in the same room at the same time (Centra, 2000 & Paulsen, 2002). Given that tertiary education is one of the most casualised sectors in Australia, the US and UK (Kift, 2002), trying to schedule two teachers into the same room is often the greatest challenge.

In this session, Bronwyn, Gemma and Steve will share their experience of piloting Zoom, a Navitas supported technology, to achieve teacherless observation at Curtin College. They will explore how this innovative use of Zoom came about, practical considerations, unexpected benefits, feedback from the teachers themselves and future plans to embed this process across the College in 2019.