Panel: Three Communities of Practice, in practice!

Australia/Sydney 9am | Wed 29th March
Europe/London 11pm | Tues 28th March
USA/Los Angeles 3pm |Tues 28th March
Robert Daudet – International College of Manitoba
Kristin Walters & Cara Dinneen – Navitas English, Hawthorn Melbourne
Simon Dry & Hayley Crawford – Navitas English, Sydney
With the right support and management, teacher Communities of Practice (CoP) can become thriving networks to share experiences, ideas and continually innovate in our everyday teaching practices. If you’ve never run or participated in one before, how do you get started? And how do you keep the momentum and enthusiasm going when people get busy, topics get tired and old approaches don’t seem to work anymore?
This lively panel session takes you into three communities in colleges across Navitas, each at various stages of development.
Walk away with some ideas about how to launch a community, which structures and approaches work best and which groups and people you might involve. Our panel includes:
- International College of Manitoba (ICM), Canada: Robert Daudet shares the view from the beginning of the process at ICM, where teachers are just starting to explore how they can collaborate on common teaching issues
- Navitas English, Hawthorn Melbourne, Australia: Discussing a community that has already been through several phases and approaches, Kristin Walters and Cara Dinneen share experiences and thoughts on working with an established community that’s ready for change.
- Navitas English Sydney, Australia: A teacher-led Community of Practice has been running successfully in the Sydney City campus for about three years. Simon Dry and Hayley Crawford share what’s worked, what challenges have emerged and thoughts on where to next.
Please feel free to share your own experiences around communities of practice both before and during the session. There will be plenty of opportunities for discussion and questions throughout.