See for yourself: The impact of screen-capture video feedback

Australia/Sydney 11.00am | Tues 7th February
USA/Los Angeles 4.00pm | Mon 6th February
Europe/London 12.00am | Tues 7th February
Presenter: Michelle Cavaleri
Manager, English Language Proficiency and Team Leader, Student Learning Support –
Navitas Professional Institute (NPI)
Feedback is a great teaching opportunity, where we can provide our students with individualized commentary relevant to their work. To be really useful this feedback needs to be fair and consistent across a course, written in a language our students understand, and able to be actioned by students in future assessment. Michelle Cavaleri will begin this presentation with an overview of some of the broader issues about feedback.
But while research into feedback provision abounds, more information is required on newer, technology-enhanced feedback methods. How do these multimodal methods influence the content of the feedback, students’ understanding and uptake of the feedback, or student’s perceptions of feedback?
Michelle will discuss her study of screen-capture video as one of the new methods of providing feedback to students on their academic writing. Screen-capture software allows you to record both your voice and what’s happening on your screen, and then share your video instantly via a link. Michelle’s study investigates how screen-capture video feedback affects the provision and uptake of feedback compared to conventional written comments.
Come along to this presentation to see a demonstration of video feedback as experienced by the student as well as to hear some tips for creating effective feedback videos of your own!