Strategies for supporting academic integrity
Australia/Perth 12.00pm | Tue 05 June 2018
USA/New York 12.00am | Tue 05 June 2018
UK/London 5.00am | Tue 05 June 2018
Jocelyn Robinson – Lecturer – Curtin College
Academic integrity has become a key focus in higher education. Plagiarism is a global concern with even the most prestigious institutions being rocked by cheating scandals in recent years. Students can easily access assignments online and contract cheating has become a big industry. If our work, and the genuine achievements of our students are to have any value, we need to have strong processes in place to prevent plagiarism and to engage both staff and students in academic integrity.
Jocelyn Robinson is a Communication Skills Lecturer at Curtin College. Her role also encompasses academic integrity. In this webinar, Jocelyn will share her thoughts and strategies in supporting academic integrity, for teachers, students and administrators.