Strategy Sessions: Collaboration in the classroom with OneNote Class Notebook

Australia/Geelong 10.00am | Thu 12 April 2018
USA/Los Angeles 5.00pm | Wed 11 April 2018
UK/London 1.00am | Thu 12 April 2018
Alison Cutler – Lecturer – Deakin College
Since early 2016, Navitas teachers globally have participated in more than 14,000 hours of professional development in courses run by L&T Services.
Three months after the end of their course, participants are asked to consider what changes they have made to their practice. This series invites those teachers to share a learning and teaching challenge and their strategies and learnings from the process.
Each session includes Q&A discussion with the presenter and other attendees to help you connect with others in the learning and teaching community.
In a Moodle-based classroom where there can be up to several face-to-face sessions every week, there are many opportunities for teachers to use a range of exciting blended learning teaching tools. When it comes to working in groups during class, as well as before and after class, OneNote Class Notebook could be a very useful alternative to Moodle’s collaborative space. OneNote Class Notebook can be used both as a content library, an individual student virtual filing cabinet and as a user-friendly collaboration space.
In this event, Alison Cutler will introduce OneNote Class Notebook and show several examples of how she effectively uses the collaboration space to teach students in her media courses.