Welcome videos to generate [REC]: rapport, engagement and interactive communities of practice
Australia/Melbourne 11.00am | Tue 18 December 2018
USA/Los Angeles 4.00pm | Mon 17 December 2018
Canada/Winnipeg 6.00pm | Mon 17 December 2018
(Convert the time zone here)
Ashley Carmody – Teacher of English (ELICOS) – La Trobe College Australia
The digital transformation of learning and teaching is progressing ever more rapidly. One of the main challenges with blended learning, a combined form of delivery both online and in classrooms, has proven to be a lack of learner engagement.
The main response to this issue so far has been to incorporate digital technology, for example, by delivering lesson content via apps such as Nearpod or supplementing classroom communication activities with interactive online communication games such as Kahoot! or online quizzes.
In this event, Ashley Carmody will offer an alternative approach to increasing engagement in blended learning environments. By simply adding a brief teacher welcome video on your LMS prior to the first face-to-face interaction, you’ll build [R]apport, increase [E]ngagement and foster [C]ommunities of practice, therefore establishing a more personal and positive classroom experience online.
Ashley will briefly cover research on the [REC] effect, provide step-by-step tips on how to create a welcome video, and showcase some welcome videos via Padlet.