The Learning and Teaching website is evolving…
In 2016 the Learning and Teaching at Navitas website was designed and launched to provide a place for the global Navitas Learning & Teaching community to share initiatives, projects, research, events and more. Since then, hundreds of articles and online Professional Development sessions have been created by over 170 different teaching staff from every corner of Navitas, reaching tens of thousands of readers!
Two years on, the website continues to evolve along with the Learning and Teaching community. As well as some improved navigation features and a fresh homepage, the site brings together more thought leadership content and some additional resources to help you get involved by sharing your own stories.
Want to know more? Here are some fast facts about the website and a look at what’s changing:
If you’re not already part of the global community, take a look at how you can connect and share what you’re doing in your part of the world!