Managing and sustaining a teacher community: The AusELT story

When communities work well, it seems effortless: resources are openly shared, questions are asked and answered constructively, and knowledge seems to easily build on what’s already there. It is easy to think those communities happen spontaneously, and take care of themselves once they achieve a certain momentum. We’re learning, however, that there’s a whole lot of work that helps communities evolve over time – usually years – and it depends upon the right people driving, nudging and supporting them.
As part of a symposium presentation on teacher communities at the 2016 NPI conference, Clare McGrath shared an example of a thriving inter-organisational community in English Language teaching called ‘AusELT’.
In this recorded interview, Clare shares the story of how the community started, what it does, where it ‘lives’ and how it continues to grow in engagement and popularity where many others have failed.
Hear the story firsthand:
If you’re an English language teacher, manager, researcher or materials writer in Australia, check out the AusELT blog, hashtag, Facebook group or resource wiki.
Speaking of communities, jump into Yammer to continue the conversation with Clare and Lucy or tell us about your own ideas or experiences in communities of practice. We would love you to share your insights from communities that have thrived and survived as well as those that have faded or transformed.