Motivating academic engagement with employability skills

Following a needs and impact assessment at Simon Fraser University, a curriculum focused on developing job search skills for EAL (English as an Additional Language) learners emerged. This curriculum has now been trialled with new international students in a pilot program at Fraser International College.
The findings of the impact assessment show that the curriculum has not only resulted in students having a better understanding of how to prepare for the job market post-graduation, but there has also been a positive impact on these students’ motivation for academic study.
In this recording, Sharla Reid and Heather Williams share the positive results from the pilot program including improved GPAs, retention and student focus. They also take you through the program and highlight how it has been appropriately designed for an EAL audience.
This program highlights the collaborative efforts between FIC and partner institution, Simon Fraser University to find new ways to adapt curriculum for new purposes while increasing student retention and engagement.
Explore the slides below:
To continue the conversation, contact Sharla Reid or Heather Williams, or share your thoughts and ideas on how to support international students develop employability skills via Yammer, Twitter or LinkedIn.