Active learning with H5P

H5P is a free and open-source interactive content creation tool giving educators access to more than 30 different interactive content types. These content types can be interactive videos, quizzes, and flashcards, which can be easily created without any technical expertise, and shared and reused in most learning management systems. This allows teachers and learning designers to create active learning opportunities in their own classrooms and contexts.

Active learning is a key aspect of contemporary educational design and practice. It provides opportunities for learners to engage with the content via a range of activities and think critically, while contextualising it to their professional situations. In this recording, Ges Ng will demonstrate how to implement active learning opportunities using H5P.

Explore the interactive H5P slides below:

If you would like to try creating your own H5P, create an account here and refer to Slide 12 for the next steps.

To continue the conversation, contact Ges Ng