Using technology to support student reflection
Technology. We’re surrounded by it, and so are our tech-savvy students. In many cases, our students are very comfortable with the latest technologies and have a good grasp of how to use them. There is also the emerging student attribute of self-reflection and evaluation: “What went well?”; “What didn’t go so well?”; “How might you improve for next time?”
The challenge is changing the way students, especially adult learners, use these technologies within the classroom when they have already established fixed ways of doing things. With some simple planning, teacher consideration and guidance, these technologies can be used to benefit students’ learning and guide their reflection process.
In this recording, Mark Parry highlights some of the ways he and his colleagues use technology to support student reflection when facilitating face-to-face and blended courses. Mark demonstrates how everyday technologies can be used to help you support students to reflect upon a range of learning outcomes related to core knowledge and transferable skills including communication, time management, working within a team, problem-solving and developing a strong work ethic.
Explore the slides below:
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