To print or not to print: Understanding patterns of use in eBooks

In 2014, over 50% of all  books accessed through the NPI (Navitas Professional Institute) library were in ebook formats. This seminar describes the library’s experience with ‘demand driven acquisition’ models and the development of a high relevance ebook collection. Given the benefits and growth of ebook usage in academic libraries, what is the future of print?

2015 update
There were 3023 unique eBook users in NPI in 2015, an increase of 21% from 2014. EBL (EBook Library) sessions increased by 9.18% to 44,733 sessions. Figures showed low engagement with the EBL in Vocational Education and Training (VET), accounting for 2% of total users. Overall in the third term of 2015, 51% of Higher Education (HE) students had accessed the EBL at least once.

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