Walk the line: A teacher’s guide to digital Copyright
There are few areas quite so difficult to navigate as Copyright. As an education provider, Navitas has allowances for use of print works that are widely understood and abided by throughout the organization. Materials available online, however, open up a whole new dimension of confusion. The internet offers a world of wonderful resources that we want to share with our students but it’s easy to forget that just because a work is freely available does not mean it’s free to use. To ensure you’re not dipping so much as a toe into the murky pond of Copyright infringement, take a look at the rules below:
Want to know more or brush up on your skills? PEP QRM, the NPI Library and Cadre have created an online course all about Copyright. Click here to get started.
P.S. Both of the images used here are from sites bursting with material that is free to use, even for commercial purposes. Check out unsplash.com and stocksnap.io – but there are lots of others out there, so go and explore!