From sparks to wildfire: social learning stories around Navitas

When problems and questions arise, teachers naturally turn to trusted contacts for help. With a connected and engaged community, problems are more efficiently resolved and new ideas receive the necessary kindling to develop. Over the last 5-6 years at Navitas people have experimented with a number of ‘social learning’ approaches, from small Ning networks to global Yammer communities. We’ve learned a lot already about how teaching staff connect, even when time and geography get in the way.

We take you on a brief journey across the macro trends influencing how we learn together, then dive into some different types of learning networks which have had tangible impacts for both students and teachers.

Lucy Blakemore summarises some trends, insights and examples of social learning around Navitas:

Hear about the #AusELT network in more detail in an interview with Clare McGrath, a teacher trainer at Navitas.

For more information or to discuss further, please contact Lucy at, Clare at or connect on Yammer.