L&T Framework: Integrating technology

Why create shared frameworks
As a global education provider, Navitas has developed considerable expertise in a range of specialisations to support delivery of high quality education. Learning and Teaching Services leads the development of frameworks to identify examples of this good practice and connect it with evidence from the research as well as our own discipline expertise in learning and teaching. These frameworks can be used to provide principles for good practice, guide enhancement and innovation, ensure consistency and inform policy.
Integrating technology into teaching and student learning
This framework has been developed by Navitas Learning and Teaching Services to provide a developmental approach and practical examples for integrating technology into teaching and learning practice, where face-to-face teaching is the dominant delivery type.
It has been designed to be readily used or adapted by Divisions, Campuses and Colleges, academic leaders and individual teachers to support their curriculum, course delivery and teacher development objectives.
Key principles
The framework is organised around a set of contemporary learning principles, to create environments, where students are engaged in: Active, Authentic, Technology-enhanced and Personalised learning. Practical examples and suggestions are provided for each level of proficiency.
Exploring the Technology Framework
Click on the image below to view the one-page summary of the Framework:
Should Divisions, Academic Units or campuses want to re-organise the framework to suit their specific learning and teaching principles and pedagogies, contact learningandteaching@navitas.com. This is an evolving framework – help us to keep refining and improving it by providing your constructive feedback and ideas.