Recognising teaching excellence: Navitas Advance HE Fellowship Program

Advance HE provides international professional recognition of experience and expertise in learning and teaching in higher education. It demonstrates a commitment to teaching, learning and the student experience, through engagement in a practical process that encourages research, reflection and development.
Benefits of Fellowship
Fellowship brings you a range of benefits:
- Consolidates personal development and evidence of professional practice in your higher education career;
- Provides a valuable measure of success and is increasingly recognised by international institutions;
- Demonstrates commitment to teaching, learning and the student experience, through engagement in a practical process that encourages research, reflection and development;
- Fellowship is increasingly sought by employers across the education sector as a condition of appointment and promotion;
- For individuals, to identify their expertise with the entitlement to use post-nominal letters (AFHEA, FHEA, SFHEA, PFHEA);
- Provides assurance that your institution is fully aligned with the Professional Standards Framework (PSF) practice and a badge of assured quality.
Recognition of your expertise
Advance HE awards four different categories of Fellowship: Associate Fellowship, Fellowship, Senior Fellowship and Principal Fellowship. These four categories reflect the wide range of professional practice carried out by individuals who teach and/or support learning in higher education; from those who have a partial role in teaching/supporting learning, through to senior professionals with strategic impact on teaching and learning in an organisational, national and/or international setting. There are 156,572 Fellows (as of June 2022) in 99 countries worldwide.
Fellowship Category Tool
A new Fellowship Category Tool has been designed to help you reflect on your practice. After you have answered a series of choice questions, which will take around 10-20 minutes, you will be shown your results, and a PDF report summarising your responses will be sent to you. You will be able to use this to understand which category of Fellowship most closely reflects your current practice and to reflect on your ongoing professional development and career aspirations. Learn more about which category of Fellowship is right for you using Advance HE’s Fellowship Category Tool.
Navitas Advance HE Fellowship Program
Learning and Teaching Services has developed the Navitas Advance HE Fellowship Program: a wraparound support program to assist you through the process of writing your application, creating a network of peer support and feedback, along with providing expert feedback mechanisms.
Applying for Fellowship is through an individual portfolio of evidence. It is a significant task and requires deep consideration, evidence, and critical reflection of teaching practice and educational leadership.
As of October 2022, 131 Navitas staff members have been awarded Fellowship with the support of this program. Staff who are interested in participating in the Navitas Advance HE Fellowship program should contact Karen McRae for further information.
Key Dates for 2024/5
The 2024 Navitas Advance HE Fellowship program commenced in February 2024. For more information on Advance HE Fellowship click here. For more information on the Navitas Advance HE Fellowship program, and upcoming programs and information sessions, email Karen McRae at Navitas Learning and Teaching Services (UPA).