TEN Capability Framework: Framing quality learning experiences
The TEN Capability Framework guides and supports our teaching and academic support staff in the delivery of high-quality student learning experiences. This framework also offers a means to discuss, benchmark and provide evidence for performance, progress and impact as appropriate across the diversity of learning and teaching contexts at Navitas. Aligned to our TEN Capability Framework, a suite of online professional development modules on teaching approaches, strategies and effective use of learning technologies is available for Navitas academic staff.
Principles of the Capability Framework
The following principles underpin the TEN Capability Framework:
- Inclusivity: Enabling fair and equitable access to learning and teaching programs and services.
- Flexibility: Creating structures and systems that are agile and responsive to the evolving needs of capability development.
- Collaboration: Working in partnership with all stakeholders to engender shared ownership and responsibility for developing teaching capability.
- Interconnectivity: Connecting people, disciplines and activities locally, regionally and internationally to harness collective wisdom and create new solutions to learning and teaching challenges.
- Scholarly approach: Driving learning and teaching practices through reflection on and engagement with industry, academics and the scholarship of learning and teaching.
Using the framework
The framework can be used in a number of ways to suit institutional needs, including:
- Reflecting on perceived strengths and potential gaps in learning and teaching capabilities
- Discussing and planning learning and teaching practice, professional development and career development
- Informing the design, development and facilitation of professional development activities, experiences and programs
- Identifying areas of practice that can be used as evidence in applications for recognition and reward in learning and teaching, including awards and fellowships.
The framework offers definitions for the specific knowledge, skills and principles which contribute to ‘teaching excellence’ across seven interdependent domains (click on the image below to open a larger version and explore in more detail):
An assessment strategy will enable teaching academic support staff to determine their mastery of these capabilities. For the assessment strategy, each module will have formative assessment tasks that scaffold into a final summative assessment task. Successful completion of this final assessment task will enable the participant to be awarded with a badge, representing a capability mapped to a domain within the TEN Capability Framework.