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A Never-Ending story: PD in Adult Education

Ongoing professional development is a feature of all of the Australian regulatory frameworks. But there are no hard and fast rules on the amount or type required. Here’s a guide to help break it down…


Co-designing learning: A video you’ll want to interact with!

Check out this interactive video activity, co-designed with a student, that increased engagement and raised awareness of Transgender experiences.


Leaping towards independence: Scaffolding, the ZPD and collaborative writing

Navitas English teachers share five practical activities to build confidence and collaboration in the academic writing process.


Identifying where students stumble: A retention map from Edith Cowan College

Informed by extensive data analytics, Malcolm Baigent shares an interactive map of successful retention strategies and interventions at ECC.


Work integrated learning in creative disciplines

What makes work integrated learning different in creative arts, humanities and social science disciplines? How can we support more opportunities for these students?


Extreme makeover: Transforming UNIC learning and teaching spaces

Join Christine Vincent on a tour of UNIC as an old conference centre is transformed into vibrant, tech-enabled learning and teaching spaces.


Q&A Highlights: The future of Australia’s VET sector

Three insiders shared current themes and trends in VET, including how improved data about private sector activity has shown the sector to be twice as large as previously thought.


Hot tips for success in the online classroom [Infographic]

Teaching online can be a very challenging environment. This infographic summaries some strategies you can use at different stages of a course or class.


Strategies that promote academic integrity

Stepping back from the media hype, Niva Kaspi from ECC shares some key principles and approaches to support academic integrity.


Learning to engage students online

At the end of a five-week Navitas teaching online course, six teachers reflect on their biggest challenges and strategies for success.


Tackling teacher talk time [Infographic]

Teacher trainer David Barrs recently shared these 6 strategies for teachers to achieve more aware, purposeful talk and 3 ways to achieve more student talk.


WhatsApp? How messaging apps can support learning

Searching for an accessible learning technology, staff in an Omani college turned to an app students were already using on their personal devices.


Opinion: The life-changing role of vocational education and training

Navitas CEO Rod Jones reflects on why we mark and celebrate National Skills Week.


Tackling teacher talk time

As a teacher, how much do you talk in class? Why is that even important? David Barrs chats about how we can raise our awareness of teacher ‘talk time’ and shares ideas for what to do about it.


Dealing with demons, facing futures | ACPET wrap

How do you handle an industry under fire, with a renewed appetite for change? Tackle it head on, and start working on the future with some of your best people.


Practical strategies for developing engaging, technology-enhanced learning resources

Christina and Helen cover five practical strategies and demonstrate ten tools to help you and your learners build your skills!
