Strategy Sessions: Sharing best practice across the Navitas network

Strategy Sessions is a series of online events that gives teaching staff the opportunity to share a challenge they have experienced in the teaching context, discuss how they have tried to overcome the challenge, and reflect on lessons learned from the experience.

This series explored: easy to use technologies which are having a positive impact on student engagement, including Kahoot! and Padlet; ideas for improving assessments for diverse classrooms, including using video-based assessments for students who have psychological barriers to public speaking; insights into learners’ and teachers’ expectations of online learning; and pedagogies which will help you re-evaluate your teaching approach, including the flipped classroom.

You can watch all the sessions from the latest series below. If a webinar interests you or you’d like to continue the conversation, be sure to get in contact with the presenters – their details will be located at the end of each Play Again – or get in contact with the Learning and Teaching team for details about how you can share your work:

Session 1 – Collaboration in the classroom with OneNote Class Notebook

 Alison Cutler introduces OneNote Class Notebook and shows several examples of how she effectively uses the collaboration space to teach students in her media courses.


Session 2 – Set up for success with formative assessments

Kari Qasem highlights the benefits of this type of assessment in helping students achieve learning goals and in assisting teachers with post-marking feedback.


Session 3 – Making the most out of Kahoot!

Rachel Maissan explores other uses of Kahoot! including saving paper, getting better student responses, asking more personal questions and gathering usable data.


Session 4 – Innovative strategies for increasing online student engagement

Maxine Rosenfield and Simon Daly give us an insight into learners’ and educators’ expectations of digital learning and the benefits and challenges faced on the platform.


Session 5 – Improving assessments with video-based presentations

Tim Holland discusses the use of recording tools such as Screencast-O-Matic as a way to address the problem of having too many students presenting on the same day.


Session 6 – Improving student engagement through active participation

Nicholas Harris shares strategies for increasing opportunities for more hands-on practice with learning materials.


Session 7 – Get organised with a lesson plan

Menik Tissera uses the example of her own lesson plan to demonstrate how academic staff can effectively create and use their own plans.


Session 8 – Engaging students with Padlet

Hamad Khan demonstrates how to set up Padlet and shares how it can be used to enrich student learning and engagement.


Session 9 – Creating interactive classroom and web experiences in Moodle

Catherine Sicurella presents on the power of PowerPoint in creating online videos, and Apsara Sabaratnam demonstrates how to bring online content to life using tools such as H5P.


Session 10 – Changing it up with the flipped classroom

Kari Qasem demonstrates how a flipped classroom can offer a strategy to reduce the amount of teacher talk during class and provide students with more support as they apply knowledge.


Session 11 – Making project handling easy with Trello

Thomas Ott and Samuel Radvila explore the customisable tool Trello to demonstrate how staff and students can use it for documenting and managing complex projects, particularly in the creative media context.