Transitioning to online learning and teaching | Lessons learned

Contributors: Karen McRae, Georgie Avard (Learning & Teaching, UPA); David Bower, Jason Cormick, Sarah Bradbury, Miranda McKellar, Tina Belokozovski, Paul Gregory, Maria Remiendo (La Trobe College); Frances Rhodes, Pranavi Garg (Curtin College); Vivian Poh, Sandy Tan (Curtin Singapore); Niva Kaspi, Julie Robertson (ECC); Kristy Nikas, Liam Lyons, Tamara Camilleri, Owen Makin, Jeff Skolnick (Deakin College); Saad Odeh (SIBT); Rebekah Nagel, Christa Viljoen (SAIBT); Faiza Qureshi, Keary Shandler (Murdoch University Dubai)
Campuses may have temporarily closed over the past few months due to COVID-19, but several virtual doors have opened online. Despite the unprecedented challenges experienced, Navitas teachers continue to work hard and innovate to enhance online teaching and learning. This has been done with minimal interruptions to students’ learning. Academic Coordinators have been pivotal in leading and supported teaching staff as they further improve teaching and learning content and activities within the Digital Campus and with re-designing assessment tasks to suit the online environment.
Teachers across the UPA division have provided immeasurable ongoing support to students, conducted with dedication and professionalism. In this article we share some examples of successful teaching and learning strategies implemented across Navitas UPA Colleges in the areas of:
- Learning design
- Online assessment
- Student support
- Teacher professional development and community-building.
These are only some examples of the remarkable work our academic staff have done over the past three months, and there is a lot more that we will be sharing in more in-depth articles in the coming weeks and months. If you would like to share your successful online learning and teaching approaches or would like more information on any of the strategies mentioned above, simply send an email to Learning and Teaching: