Facilitating Student Learning

Want to get the most out of class time? Flip it!

What is a flipped classroom and how does it help students? In this short video, Ann talks about the pedagogy and offers tips for teachers looking to get started.


Breathing life into texts with reading circles

In this 5-minute overview, hear from teacher trainer Meredith Lade about a technique called ‘reading circles’ and grab some quick ideas for using it in your own learning and teaching context.


The quiet achiever: Four practical insights to inspire learners  

Great teachers don’t pace dramatically around class, changing lives in a flourish of chalk. These insights from an inspiring NPI teacher show what really counts for students.


MeetELT: Where real-life meets the classroom

PD with a difference: this is MeetELT, an event run by teachers, for teachers. The topic this time tackles how to bring students’ real life contexts into their learning.


Lock It Up: Keeping students’ personal information secure

Come into contact with students’ personal information on a daily basis? This article and handy graphic give you tips on keeping that valuable data safe and secure


Lift Up Your Voice: Podcasting for Engagement

Engagement in online learning can be a battle. Here’s a not-so-secret weapon that might help win the day!


Bringing real-life into the classroom: five inspiring ideas

Watch 5 English language teachers share quick-fire Pecha Kuchas on authentic class projects ranging from a ‘Pinkytas’ charity event to a ‘Selfie Safari’.


Building a Peer Education Program at ICM

In this Q&A with ICM Canada, two colleagues talk about the development of their Peer Education program and discuss some of their successes and challenges along the way.


The Pecha Kucha Toolkit

This fast-paced session shares a basic Pecha Kucha ‘toolkit’, structures to explore with your students and teachers, and some ideas you can try out in your own classrooms and teacher development sessions.


One team, one dream? Case study: Embedding group work at Curtin College

Effective collaboration is an essential skill for today’s graduates. In this blog post we explore a pilot group work project at Curtin College


Reflection: Integrating literacy development

Following a recent seminar on ELP, Michelle Cavaleri reflects on embedding literacy development in courses and programs across Navitas.


Building a Peer Education Program at ICM

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The Pecha Kucha Toolkit

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