english australia

English language teachers and the native speaker fallacy

Students want both native and non-native English-speaking teachers, but Victoria Phillips’s research finds that hiring practices may not always reflect this.


Best practice in international student mental health

Sophie O’Keefe shares ‘The Guide to Best Practice in International Student Mental Health’ and considers approaches for addressing mental health concerns.


Best practice in international student mental health

Sophie O’Keefe shares ‘The Guide to Best Practice in International Student Mental Health’ and considers approaches for addressing mental health concerns.


‘Thriving in changing times’: teachers as change agents (EA Conference)

Lucy Blakemore and Danielle Rock, two attendees at this year’s English Australia Conference, share a handful of takeaways from noteworthy sessions.


Best practice in international student mental health

Registration for this event has closed.


Empowering Global Citizens: EA Conference

Get the inside scoop on the 30th annual English Australia Conference from Sophie O’Keefe and Lucy Blakemore.


Writing, stranger than fiction: Getting English language students writing

Check out highlights from the sixth MeetELT, where English language teachers shared practical ways to get students writing.


Building on the English Australia CPD Framework

This recording shares an overview of the new English Australia CPD Framework as well as the steps involved in using the Framework as well as the theoretical underpinnings.


Introducing the English Australia CPD framework

The new English Australia CPD Framework is here! This summary covers some key info, including why and how it was developed, and ideas about how to use the Framework.
