
English language teachers and the native speaker fallacy

Students want both native and non-native English-speaking teachers, but Victoria Phillips’s research finds that hiring practices may not always reflect this.


Empowering Global Citizens: EA Conference

Get the inside scoop on the 30th annual English Australia Conference from Sophie O’Keefe and Lucy Blakemore.


Bringing out the MacGyver in you

Beloved by English language teachers in Sydney, the meetELT evening events have started up in Melbourne. Check out photos and videos from the night!


Break it down: How to exploit a model text

Why use a model text? Because it’s unfair to ask students to produce any writing without giving them a model first! Richard Ingold explains.


Break it down: Exploiting a model text

In this recording, Richard Ingold shares a detailed 4-stage process of how to introduce and use a model text with students.


Break it down: Exploiting a model text

Registration for this event has closed


Writing, stranger than fiction: Getting English language students writing

Check out highlights from the sixth MeetELT, where English language teachers shared practical ways to get students writing.


Speaking pragmatics & writing feedback: PD Day Wrap

The Hawthorn-Melbourne ELICOS team share how they ran their latest PD day, with some teaching-focussed sessions on pragmatics and giving feedback on writing.


Bringing real-life into the classroom: five inspiring ideas

Watch 5 English language teachers share quick-fire Pecha Kuchas on authentic class projects ranging from a ‘Pinkytas’ charity event to a ‘Selfie Safari’.


Lemons, Catastrophic Climate Change, and e-Portfolios: Implementing sustainable course-wide assessments

What is a simple, non-intrusive and efficient way of measuring ELP? Glenn Anderson from Curtin College explores…


Piloting iPads in the classroom [infographic]

How do you run a successful pilot to introduce iPads to a classroom of AMEP learners? This infographic takes us through some of the steps involved.


Students, screensizes and the ever present smartphone

Is it all digital these days, or is these still a spot for paper and pen next to those phones and laptops?
