Facilitating Student Learning

Appsolutely! Explore the popular quiz tools Socrative & Kahoot

In this recording, Azad Noor introduces this app, Socrative, takes you through a small quiz,which he has already set up to showcase its potential.


Writing, stranger than fiction: Getting English language students writing

Check out highlights from the sixth MeetELT, where English language teachers shared practical ways to get students writing.


The power of partnerships: transforming learning, engagement and innovation

In this recording, Andrea Chester shares powerful partnership models between students as peer mentors, peer partnerships with teaching staff and student-staff partnerships.


Ready? Get set… Using Socrative in the classroom

After experimenting with Socrative this semester, Simon Thompson from UNIC shares how he integrated quizzes into his teaching.


Using discussion forums to enhance critical thinking

In this recording, Jonathan Brown shares his approach to discussion forums for those who teach in online or blended environments and want to promote critical thinking.


How to add your own voice into student feedback

In this recording, Michelle Cavaleri shares research findings on the power of using screen-capture video for feedback and provides step-by-step advice on recording your own effective feedback.


Powerpoint extras: Beyond presentations with multimedia and interactive activities

In this recording, and the second part in a design series, Michele Furlong introduces some ways you can enhance your PowerPoint presentations.


Powerpoint basics: Planning, using visuals & keeping it simple

In this recording, Michele Furlong demonstrates some basic ways to design and use Powerpoint to enhance your teaching, whether online or on campus.


Educational videos (Screencasting) to engage learning

In this recording, Michele Furlong will show you how to create and publish a video using Screencast-o-matic


Welcome videos look engaging, but do they work?

Teacher welcome videos are a great way to kick off a course, but do they make a difference? Survey results from a recent pilot suggest a range of positive impacts on student engagement.


How to add your own voice into student feedback

In this recording, Michelle Cavaleri takes you through the process of recording short, individual feedback videos for students using screen-capture.
