Designing and Planning Curriculum

Appsolutely! Creating interactive presentations with Nearpod and VoiceThread

In this recording, Fiona Perry gives a brief introduction to both tools, how it might be used in teaching and shares some examples.


Appsolutely! Easily create a video lesson with EDPuzzle

In this recording, Tim Holland uses EDpuzzle to share and identify appropriate application to engage and motivate students.


All aboard! Effective starters for your first lesson with a new cohort

Three useful strategies to help start a class and achieve not only academic and behavioural engagement but emotional engagement too.


Break it down: Exploiting a model text

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What do my students need to learn today? Cross-disciplinary reflections on PBL

Professional Year Trainer Mike Kennedy shares some transferable insights discovered in an SAE session on Project Based Learning.


Learning just in time: Project-based learning at SAE Australia

How implementing PBL helped to halve fail rates, double retention, boost student satisfaction and better prepare students for the real world of work ahead.


Exploring #lxconf: The first online conference for learning experience design

LX design saw its first global online conference in May 2017. Georgie Lowe shares her key takeaways from some of the sessions.


Learning just in time – Project Based Learning at SAE

In this recording, SAE talks PBL and its impact on a number of areas, including the quality of student work, pass and retention rates, faculty training and development, and the benefits and pitfalls.


Creating (or recreating) an online student lounge

See inside an online student lounge with Julia Gobel. It’s designed for ACAP students to interact with staff and each other and, hopefully, to be enjoyed as a community space.


‘It’s affirmative’: Student debates are a great alternative to presentations

If you’re still battling death by PowerPoint, why not design a better assessment? SIBT’s Karen McRae swapped presentations for debates, with some lively results!


Getting your hands dirty. Designing practical activities to scaffold towards a learning objective

In this recording, Darcy Yuille shares how a small project transformed a dull class.


Blended Learning Essentials

This course is designed to help participants develop a working understanding of successful online teaching pedagogies.


Buried by readings!

In this recording, Victoria Roberts shares her experience teaching international students’ business law at the Masters level and breathing life into otherwise rather dull and complex readings.
