Optimising Digital Technologies

‘Can I use this?’ Q&A on common copyright concerns

In this recording, Ian Drummond and Max Gallo share strategies and resources that can assist you in making informed decisions around copyright.


Welcome videos look engaging, but do they work?

Teacher welcome videos are a great way to kick off a course, but do they make a difference? Survey results from a recent pilot suggest a range of positive impacts on student engagement.


How to add your own voice into student feedback

In this recording, Michelle Cavaleri takes you through the process of recording short, individual feedback videos for students using screen-capture.


Building a dedicated module for critical thinking

Edinburgh International College staff share their insights and a huge sample of materials after building a successful unit to help students learn essential critical thinking skills.


See for yourself: The impact of screen-capture video feedback

In this recording, Michelle Cavaleri demonstrates video feedback as experienced by the student and shares tips for creating effective feedback videos of your own.


Creating a simple online welcome video – come on in!

A lot of teachers are keen to get a video uploaded but find it time consuming and fiddly. Jon Hvaal shares a method of scripting and recording that is fast and effective.


Appsolutely! Concept mapping with Text2MindMap

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How to add your own voice into student feedback

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How to add your own voice into student feedback

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